
Monday, October 22, 2012

Mating Slugs: Courtship - Type C

Type C: In this category, circling and mucus nibbling precedes trail following, instead of the usual episode of brief investigation by cephalic tentacles. In the instance of Couple 8, shown below, the entire precopulatory period lasted longer than any couple I've seen to date. Perhaps over 10-15 minutes? Even longer? I wish I'd had a timer. As it was, I was too busy freezing to death.
After several minutes of mutual nibbling, the slug on the bottom took the initiative and became the leader for an extensive session of trail following.

The leader's ascent up the siding seemed to "confuse" the follower for a while, for the latter remained with its tentacles just below the edge. Yet the leader did not move on, but "waited" for the other to catch up. 
At last contact was reestablished and trail following resumed.
The leader's movement here really got my hopes up that they'd finally begin circling again and start to mate, but alas, he hadn't found the proper mating site yet. 
Losing contact with the leader caused the follower some difficulty, but again the latter kept moving and eventually caught up with its partner inside.
After being so patient during this drawn-out courtship, I was very disappointed that the actual mating took place behind the siding, hidden from view. Nevertheless, I witnessed new behavior, so it wasn't a total loss.

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