
Monday, October 8, 2012

The Great Debate

So, according to this website,, which contains an article from 2006, scientists have solved the mystery of how bees fly. And of course the author feels compelled to bring up the fact that proponents of intelligent design have criticized evolutionists for their inability to solve all of nature's riddles, and maintains that this proves that evolutionists just need time; they'll eventually know everything. Apparently evolutionists even have a nickname for us: ID. I suppose it's quicker to say than "intelligent design proponents". Or maybe they just don't want to utter the word "intelligent."

In my opinion, discoveries like this (I know it's dated, but bear with me; I'm using it to make a point) don't change a thing. I don't begrudge evolutionists any discoveries. They can figure out all the stuff they want, adding to their knowledge. But they'll still be just as blind as they are now, ignoring what's staring them in the face. My intention is not to be mean or intolerant when I say this. Nevertheless, the TRUTH is right in front of them, yet they constantly close their eyes to it. It saddens me that all these brilliant minds are floundering in the denial of their Creator. They can't admit to themselves that they could be accountable to a Higher Being, that they are responsible for their wrongs, that every single detail in the universe (in their own bodies, for that matter) points to God. If God can't exist, then they must follow another leader, and unfortunately this is the absurd, illogical, fantastic Theory of Evolution. Yes, it's a theory. It requires as much faith as Christianity. We can NEVER know anything for sure, for 100% certainty. To some extent even our scientific "laws" are conjectures. But we do the best we can.

Yet, the idea that ALL THIS could originate from absolutely NOTHING is beyond absurd. Where did matter come from? Yes, you say it came together to form things, but where did the material come from to begin with? Can you answer that? "Where did your God come from, then?" He is eternal, the beginning and the end. He had no Creator. He is infinite. So, back to my question, is your Matter eternal? Has it always existed? Why do things tend towards CHAOS and yet you say that they tend towards ORDER? Where did your concept of IMPERFECTION come from? Obviously you have to compare imperfect things to a standard. How can you conceive of perfection if that idea wasn't implanted in your brain by a perfect God? How can you conceive of God, then, if there isn't one? Last time I checked, even the most fantastical writers can't create something that doesn't have some basis in our reality.

Why do organisms evolve? Why do they become more complex? Why didn't they remain as simple as they supposedly were billions of years ago? Why aren't creatures evolving now? Has evolution ceased?

Everyone should check out this website: This man is searching. Search with him! Don't close your eyes, your mind, or your heart! Open yourself to all possibilities and keep seeking the truth! I am a Christian, but I've questioned my beliefs often and still I come back to God. I invite all scientists to constantly question their beliefs, to test them and refine them until the truth reveals itself, and don't forget the scientific method you learned as a child! Sometimes we have to become like little children in order to see the truth, but that means we have to humble ourselves and stop putting on airs. If you think you know more than God, read the Book of Job. God's answers to your questions will take your speech and your breath away. In that book God says over and over, "Consider...". Well, consider the human eye! A bee! A slug! The stars! How could all this have come into existence by random processes? How could everything be so intricately put together, so detailed, if a omnipotent Being did not fashion it? Do you look at a house and say "Oh, those pieces of wood and nails and siding must have come together over billions of years due to random processes that stretch the laws of probability to their limit. But isn't it beautiful?" No! You say, "Oh, that builder did a good job on that house. I like the architecture." I will NOT sell my soul to probability and random outcomes and macroevolution. I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a created being, that I've strayed from my Creator just like all my ancestors have and all my descendants will, that I'll be held accountable for this, and that my Creator became a human like me in order to atone for my sins, simply because there must be atonement, and He loves me. And I accept that sacrifice for my sake. I'm not perfect. I still sin. But I know that I'm fearfully and wonderfully made and that I'm loved. And because He has enabled me to love Him back, I do. Jesus said that if we don't praise Him, the rocks will cry out. Well, not only the rocks but every single thing in the universe is crying out, "We have a Creator! Humble yourself and glorify Him!"

At its core, the creation-evolution debate is NOT about scientific facts or fossil records or organic development, but ACCOUNTABILITY. Evolutionists simply refuse to acknowledge that they are responsible to their Creator; if evolution was true, they'd be accountable to no one except "the earth" or human governments or each other. Isn't that convenient! Foolishly arrogant, is the better phrase.

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