
Friday, November 30, 2012

Another Successful Birth

A third baby slug (Lehmannia valentiana) hatched in my experimental tub today! He's the smallest I've seen so far, measuring just under 0.5 cm and very thin. Hopefully he'll get some nourishment outside and grow big and strong!

He was quite adventuresome for one so small, and I had to corral him before he crawled into my dad's tool chest!

Now, there is a story that goes along with these photos. When I first found this baby slug in the tub, he was lying on a clod of soil. However, when I picked up the clod of dirt, I didn't have a good grip on it and ended up dropping it back into the tub. I searched frantically for the slug, but I couldn't find him again, he was so tiny. So I waited until early this evening to try again, and lo and behold, there he was! Needless to say, I made sure I didn't lose him again.

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