
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Foreshadowing of Spring

The temperature got up to 61 degrees today. Yes, you heard me--on January 29th! Unfortunately the slugs didn't seem to take advantage of the spring-like weather. I was expecting to see them feeding in droves tonight, but I only found one Three-band (Lehmannia valentiana) munching all by his lonesome. I wonder how many slugs are still hibernating, or if a lot of them have died from the cold? I know the population replenishes itself every year, but I was hoping that the unseasonably warm weather would bring at least the juveniles out from their burrows. But many adults may indeed be dead. However, since I'm unable to search under the house, where they like to hide, I can't draw any definitive conclusions. I have to base my hypotheses on the evidence I observe under bricks and stepping-stones, in the grass and mulch, etc. I found a new clutch of eggs the other day, so they're continuing to procreate, but the population of adult Three-bands appears to have dwindled. I come across Marsh Slugs (Deroceras laeve) most often now. They braved both the torrential rains and the sleet. Quite hardy fellows, I must say.

Well, even if my slugs didn't capitalize on the nice day, I did and enjoyed a pleasant evening walk with a friend. The temperature is supposed to drop again over the next few days, and we're to receive more rain tomorrow. I'll have to make the rounds of the backyard soon to assess the situation.

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