
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Parasitized Fly

I found this poor little guy crawling around under a flower pot. He was obviously a fly, but his wings were strangely crumpled, making me think at first he was immature, but after further research I realized that flies pupate (why didn't that dawn on me?) and emerge as adults, so this one had to be an adult. But why were his wings all shriveled up? Well, according to BugGuide.Net, parasitism can cause this in a fly. The wings shrivel, reducing the fly to crawling around on the ground and thereby impairing its ability to find food. A fly, like a butterfly or moth, is meant to fly around and land, not crawl. In the same way, perching birds have legs and feet designed to land on branches or the ground, but not to walk long distances. Hopefully this fly will be able to find sustenance. I don't know whether the parasite will eventually kill the fly, but it's very probable.

In these photos, notice the hairs on the fly's body, the large reddish eyes and small antennae, as well as the crumpled wings, which remind me of dried molten lead or lava.

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