
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Stretch Spider

Like the Orchard Orbweaver (Leucauge venusta), the Stretch Spider (Tetragnatha sp.) has an elongated body and long chelicerae (jaws). They are members of the same family, Tetragnathidae, or Long-jawed Orbweavers.

Stretch Spiders build their circular webs on a horizontal plane, close to the ground. My specimen suspended its web above the Phlox near our front porch. It's smaller than some species in this genus, indicating it either belongs to a small species or is a juvenile. The members of the genus vary greatly, so with my limited knowledge and tools I can't make an accurate identification.

I came upon my specimen in the act of liquefying a large insect with a long, thin body. Notice the black and yellow stripes on the underside of the spider's abdomen. Also it has a wide stripe down its white (or silver?) back, bordered with brown lines and/or spots. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions for the ID.

Disturbed by my presence, the spider crawled away to one of the stalks of Phlox to eat its meal in private. It returned to the web a few moments later.

References: (Smoky Mountains)

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