

Hi! My name is Jess Foster. I'm a diminutive South Carolinian girl with an abundance of creative energy, and I've found that I enjoy expressing myself the most through writing and photography. I love to study history, read novels, write stories, and capture interesting moments in nature with my camera. Right now I'm immersed in an exciting project, in which I'm endeavoring to discover and chronicle as many species as I can that live in my backyard. You'll notice that I view nature through different eyes than most professional and amateur scientists, as I see God's fingerprints on every living thing. He seems to show me something new every day, and in the process I'm learning just how diverse and complex His creation is. He constantly puts me in my place with fresh evidence of His magnificent love and awesome omniscience and omnipotence. Even creatures such as spiders and slugs testify to His will and presence. As I learn the scientific names of the creatures and study their life cycles, I must always challenge the prevailing evolutionary perspective with the Truth that God planted in my heart. Though I cannot scientifically prove that the Bible is true, I know that it is, and this knowledge comes only from my Creator. I cannot plant that Truth in anyone else; I can only point them towards it and remind them that nothing, not even evolution, can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Faith is required in all things. Religion and science are very much intertwined, however much you may deny it. Again, only God can reveal to you the Truth that no scientist can prove.

For a summary of how this project began, see these posts:
The Beginning
Meet the Slugs

Also check out:
Survival and Sacrifice
The Great Debate
The Silent Prophet
Slavery in the Ant World?

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