Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bush Katydid Nymph

This baby Bush Katydid is definitely one of the cutest sightings I've made in a while. You'll notice the black-and-white striped antennae, a feature peculiar to only a few Scudderia species, and the pointed projection between the eyes. The direct sunlight on the katydid's body in the photo is a little deceiving, so its hard to judge the color as yellow or green. My best guess is that this is a an early instar of Scudderia furcata, the Fork-tailed Bush Katydid.

Note: Bush Katydids belong to the subfamily Phaneropterinae, the False Katydids. But they're still katydids. The entomologists just call them "false" to distinguish them from the "true" katydids of Pseudophyllinae, a name which for some bizarre reason has the prefix "Pseudo-", which usually means "false." I have no idea why they made this so confusing, but there it is.

References: (Scudderia) (comment on nymph antennae) (further discussion of nymph antennae) (photo gallery & discussion of katydids) (Scudderia) (S. furcata) (S. furcata) (fact sheet)

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