Friday, May 17, 2013

Gea heptagon

I'm excited to bring you some photos of a beautiful spider named Gea heptagon. This species of Gea is the only one found in the US, and is considered a southern spider, though its range extends across the country.

You will usually see females, and they are the more recognizable sex. The species name refers to the dark seven-sided mark (in shape like an arrowhead) on the back of the female abdomen. The mark varies in color from dark brown/black to reddish brown. The abdomen also has three pairs of gray bumps or horns. An orbweaver, G. heptagon builds its web in the vertical plane.

Specimen #1:
Web suspended between stalks of Phlox

The spider molted recently. You'll see her discarded exoskeleton hanging in the web.

Specimen #2:
Web suspended between leaves of a shrub

This spider's mark is black.
References: (Gea heptagon) (Gea) (Illinois Spider Collection) (Gea heptagon) (female vs. male) (article on Color Change and Life History of this species)

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