Thursday, January 3, 2013

Wounded Ladybug

Here are some photos long overdue of a ladybug (Harmonia axyridis, or Multicolored Lady Asian Beetle) with an injured wing. The poor thing was sprawled on its back with its left wing fully extended, holding the broken part of its right wing with its left front leg. I would have mended the wing if I could, but some of God's handiwork is just too delicate to repair with bare, untrained hands. I noticed also that the ladybug was
"reflex bleeding", that is, secreting a sticky yellow substance called hemolymph which serves as its blood. A ladybug will do this when threatened or agitated, much in the same way a slug will secrete more mucus. I think the ladybug's injury, however it happened, must have traumatized it and caused this reaction. Of course the injury itself could have caused internal damage, triggering normal bleeding. Either way, the yellow hemolymph was visible on some parts of the ladybug's body, and all the while I was taking photos, it was waving that piece of broken wing back and forth pitifully and oozing hemolymph.

You're supposed to be able to determine the sex of Harmonia axyridis by looking at the ventral surface of the last abdominal segment, but I can't from these photos.

There, you can see hemolymph on the right white portion of the pronotum.
In this photo, it looks like there is a tiny puncture/crack in the pronotum above the hemolymph, but that could be a superficial blemish. The ladybug's exoskeleton is the worse for wear, so it's hard to tell.
If you look closely, you can see the residue of hemolymph in a small sticky yellow thread between the left white part of the pronotum and the wing case.
This photo makes me wonder if the ladybug isn't engaging in "reflex bleeding" as opposed to normal bleeding, as it seems to have some of that substance on its right front leg (on the left in the photo), perhaps prior to applying it. 
He's lifting up that front leg, maybe applying the hemolymph to the wing case?


  1. is my ladybug injured? hes not flying away and his legs look broken. Please help

    1. Is the ladybug able to move his legs at all? Can he crawl around?

    2. Mine too, what do I do?

    3. Hii, I'm 12 years old.
      I saw a ladybug on a plant, i carefully placed it on my hand when after a while of crawl8ng around, I noticed it can't fly. He tried many times to fly away but his wings wern't looking straight. I didn't know what to do so i just left him on a plant (leaf) in my garden. What could of I done in this situation? Was it ok to leave him like that? I'm so worried 😥

    4. Hi, I agree, I wouldn’t know what to do but when I found a ladybird in my house yesterday GOOGLE said I should put it on a damp paper towel for water and a peeled grape for nutrition. You also spelled hi wrong.

  2. My ladybug can walk with all of his other five left but the right front one he holds to his body how can I help him?

  3. my lady bug has a dented outer shell and a broken leg , if i take good care of her will she still survive?

    1. My lady bug has a dented shell as well and cannot fly. I has sore legs and is constantly walking strange. What do I do?

    2. The best way to take care of her would probably be to just let it go and give it some rest or take it in for a few weeks and ask other people or google for advice. That’s what I did.

  4. The ladybug I have had a broken leg how do I help it. I tried to help it walk but it did not help.

    1. Hey I know it’s been 5 years but if you find another ladybug with a broken leg and want to help, you can either take a tiny stick and try to tape the leg to that, or even straighten out the leg and tape it or use a bandaid, you would have to leave it on for a few days for it to heal and if you take it off after a few days and it still doesn’t seem right just put it back on. And another few days try again. This could potentially save a ladybugs life from a predator or dying from pain. Hope this helps if you even see this :) also sorry if your ladybug passed away. (It’s in a better place now RIP)

    2. Can you please explain to me where one would find ladybug leg sized sticks or bandaids? I’m just curious because I don’t see how that is helpful.

  5. please anyone.... do we try to help the broken wing. a lady bug has been hanging on my chairs for a week now and he has a broken wing. do i clip it or try to do something or let it be. he can not fly i just want to help

  6. my ladybug isn't even moving I found it on the street and it is as flat as a piece of paper. why isn't it moving?

  7. My ladybugs wings are bent at a weird angle and they can't fly.What should I do?

    1. Same. I have mine in a bowl with hols in the lid so he can breath. I put some leafs for him and a small rock he can climb and hide under. There is also a small stick he can climb. I moist the enclosure twice daily. But be careful cause they can drown easily so moist it carefully. Put a small damped paper towel in for him to drink off or. He will also drink from the moist you put in.

  8. i was sitting in my bed and chrushed a ladybug it was bleeding and has weak legs but is still alive what do i do

  9. I found a ladybug that did not have a wing, WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!?!?!

  10. Oh no! Poor Ladybugs! Could you help please with mine? You see that he (Possibly she) has burnt wings and can't walk properly. if i put him back in the wild i am sure he wont survive as he keeps turning over onto his back and not being able to get back. I find it so sweet as although the poor sweeties are injured they still keep on going merry. Please help, little guy needs some hope. (: Xx

  11. (: I think you should release him at least he had a sweet life

  12. ugh just leave these freakin ladybirds ALONE! feed them to a spider or something

    1. Geez, we are trying to help Ladybugs, not just give up on them-

    2. Ever heard of idiots!?

  13. I found a ladybug and his wing was bent backwards and he was struggling to move, he also cant fly. I put him in my plant terrarium for now but does anyone know how to help him?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. put injured ladybug on a damp-wet paper towel, they can drink up the water and this can help them be more hydrated. Also, peel a grape so there's no skin and give them a small bit of the grape. this will help give the injured ladybug nutrients that might help it get better.

    1. How can we do that

    2. I tried it but it didn’t work

    3. Does this apply to Asian lady beetles? Do they eat during winter? Or do they sleep and slightly move around only? Thanks

  16. My ladybug was so cute.When he woke up from hibernation, he had some water and a damp raisin. Then he went about his business.Next day he was in the window sill with two broken legs (how can that be???) I was devastated. He never recovered & died.��

  17. Hi there. I feed my ladybugs Catfood (the pate' kind) and apple slices. They did not want the raisins or grapes. They also devoured a THC gummy snack. I collect them every winter so they won't freeze and keep them about 3 months then I put them back in the wild. They stay in a little house in my bathroom. If your ladybugs is That injured please don't let it suffer, flush it.

  18. Hey i have found a yellow ladybug on my desk its left wing is extented out and it keeps trying to fly but it looks like its wing are hurt i dont know it cant fly im worried it keep roaming around helplessly i gave it a drop of honey what should i do im worried please help

  19. I had a yellow ladybug I found him n my desk on one evening , He couldnt open his wing properly and was struggling. His wing was stuck out and he was not flying he was trying hard to open his wing completely.
    I thought it was injured so i have me a honey mixed with water in a bottle cap. He drinked it a bit but later he refused to drink more. I kept it for awhile but he wasnt showing any improvement i thought it will die if bother him too much so i had to release him into greenary i know its not possible but still i hope its okay. Thanks to all the people here 𔓘

    1. It’s probably an Asian lady beetle. Where are you from?

  20. I have a ladybug that got drenched in water what can I do to help it and yes I do care about ladybugs.

    1. Oh wow same here found him ina toilet upside down. Took him out and he’s alive. Day two living in my plastic container

  21. Found ladybug in hallway wing bent at weird angle tried to walk legs went up then down . Next day he ate a little piece of banana . should i keep feeding him banana?and is there something wrong with his legs?

    1. I really don’t think banana is best!?

  22. My ladybird was on my kitchen floor dragging its back legs behind it and had a bent wing.
    Then, I got told to give it some peeled grapes and put it on a wet paper towel and that’s what I did. After giving it a week of rest, I let it go and it was okay! Makes me proud to think that I saved a life!

  23. Great job saving the ladybug!! Could you share some tricks?

    1. Sure! I found out that they will eat small pieces of grapes and need rest, make sure that the enclosure you use is checked and wet every once or twice a day. Take care of it and try not to disturb it too much. And don’t drown it. Best of luck!🤞 🐞

  24. Thank you so much!! I think his broken wing is getting better!
