- Lehmannia valentiana - Three-Banded Gardenslug, Greenhouse Slug
- Hyla chrysoscelis - Cope's Gray Tree Frog
- Agraulis vanillae - Gulf Fritillary, Passion Butterfly
- Diestrammena (Tachycines) asynamorus - Greenhouse Camel Cricket
- Hogna sp. - Wolf Spider
- Forficula auricularia - Common Earwig, European Earwig
- Xylocopa virginica - Common Eastern Carpenter Bee
- Parasteatoda (Achaearanea) tepidariorum - Common House Spider
- Spodoptera frugiperda - Armyworm Moth
- Neoscona crucifera - Hentz's Orbweaver, Barn Spider
- Deroceras laeve - Marsh Slug, Meadow Slug, Brown Slug
- Monomorium minimum - Little Black Ant
- Solenopsis invicta - Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA)
- Bufo (Anaxyrus) americanus americanus - Eastern American Toad
- Pterostichus sp. - Black Ground Beetle
- Agriphila vulgivagellus - Vagabond Crambus Moth, Sod Webworm
- Bombus impatiens - Common Eastern Bumblebee
- Apis mellifera - Western (European) Honeybee
- Conocephalus fasciatus - Slender Meadow Katydid
- Gryllus rubens - Eastern Trilling Cricket, Southeastern Field Cricket
- Harmonia axyridis - Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle
- Niesthrea louisianica - Hibiscus Bug (Scentless Plant Bug)
- Halyomorpha halys - Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
- Mormidea lugens - White-bordered Stink Bug (no common name)
- Camponotus pennsylvanicus - Black Carpenter Ant
- Ventridens sp. - Glossy Dome Snail
- Triodopsis sp. - Three-Toothed Snail
- Geophilomorpha - Soil Centipede
- Parajulidae - Common Millipede
- Noctuidae - Owlet Moth
- Anaxipha exigua - Say's Trig
- Listroderes difficilis - Vegetable Weevil
- Bibionidae - March Flies
- Polistes dorsalis - Paper Wasp
- Megacopta cribraria - Kudzu Bug
- Latrodectus mactans - Southern Black Widow Spider
- Delphinia picta - Picture-winged Fly
- Chinavia hilaris - Green Stink Bug, Green Soldier Bug
- Penthetria heteroptera - Fall-Flying March Fly
- Staphylininae - Large Rove Beetle
- Sphenophorus sp. - Billbug
- Esperanza texana - Broad-headed Bug (no common name)
- Xysticus sp. - Ground Crab Spider
- Uloborus glomosus - Cribellate Orbweaver
- Malacosoma americana - Eastern Tent Caterpillar
- Neurocolpus nubilus - Clouded Plant Bug
- Hemaris thysbe - Hummingbird Clearwing (Moth)
- Leucauge venusta - Orchard Orbweaver
- Orgyia leucostigma - White-marked Tussock Moth Caterpillar
- Frontinella communis - Bowl and Doily Weaver
- Tetragnatha sp. - Stretch Spider
- Gea heptagon - Orbweaver with dark 7-sided mark on dorsal abdomen (no common name)
- Hentzia palmarum - Hentz Jumping Spider, Common Hentz Jumper
- Hemerobiidae - Brown Lacewing
- Oxyopes salticus - Striped Lynx Spider
- Oxyopes aglossus - Lynx Spider
- Rabidosa rabida - Rabid Wolf Spider
- Lopidea sp. - Scarlet Plant Bug
- Nephrotoma ferruginea - Tiger Crane Fly
- Bassaniana versicolor - Bark Crab Spider
- Scudderia furcata - Fork-tailed Bush Katydid
- Toxomerus geminatus - Common Hoverfly
- Stenolemus lanipes - Thread-legged Bug (Spider Assassin)
- Proxys punctulatus - Black Stink Bug
- Phidippus audax - Daring Jumping Spider, Bold Jumper
- Anasa tristis - Squash Bug
- Dolichopodidae - Longlegged Flies
- Graphocephala coccinea quadrivittata - Candy-striped Leafhopper, Red-banded Leafhopper
- Cyclosa turbinata - Trashline Orbweaver
- Taedia sp. - Red & black Plant Bug with 2 black dots on pronotum
- Orientus ishidae - Japanese Leafhopper, Oriental or Mosaic Leafhopper
- Araneus cingulatus - Green Orbweaver, Red-spotted Orbweaver
- Neoscona arabesca - Arabesque Orbweaver
- Agelenopsis sp. - Grass Spider (Funnel Weaver)
- Hentzia mitrata - White-jawed Jumping Spider
- Florinda coccinea - Black-tailed Red Sheetweaver
- Graphocephala versuta - Versute Sharpshooter
- Mecynogea lemniscata - Basilica Orbweaver
- Thiodina sp. - Thiodina Jumping Spider (no common name)
- Efferia aestuans - Robber Fly
- Taylorilygus apicalis - Broken-backed Bug
- Oncometopia orbona - Broad-headed Sharpshooter
- Mangora gibberosa - Lined Orbweaver
- Metacyrba taeniola taeniola - Taeniola Jumping Spider (no common name)
- Spissistilus festinus - Three-cornered Alfalfa Hopper
- Thyreocoridae - Negro Bugs
- Lyssomanes viridis - Magnolia Green Jumper
- Prosapia bicincta - Two-lined Spittlebug
- Lacinipolia sp. - Arches Moth
- Lygus lineolaris - Tarnished Plant Bug
- Maladera castanea - Asiatic Garden Beetle
- Thryothorus ludovicianus - Carolina Wren
- Mecynogea lemniscata - Labyrinth Orbweaver
- Acanalonia spp. - Acanaloniid Planthoppers
- Pelegrina galathea - Peppered Jumper
- Leptoglossus phyllopus - Eastern Leaf-footed Bug
- Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi - Spotted Cucumber Beetle
- Metcalfa pruinosa - Citrus Flatid Planthopper, Floury Mothbug
- Photinus pyralis - Common Eastern Firefly, Lightning Bug, Big Dipper Firefly
- Hypena bijugalis - Dimorphic Bomolocha
- Euschistus tristigmus tristigmus - Dusky Stink Bug
- Neolema sexpunctata - Six-spotted Neolema, Six-spotted Leaf Beetle
- Phidippus putnami - Putnam's Jumper
- Fieberiella florii - Privet Leafhopper, Cherry Leafhopper, Flor's Leafhopper
- Chrysopidae - Green Lacewing
- Brochymena quadripustulata - Four-humped Stink Bug, Rough Stink Bug
- Stirellus bicolor - Striped Leafhopper (photoperiodic)
- Toxomerus marginatus - Hoverfly (orange lower abdomen)
- Oulema cornuta - Leaf Beetle (orange & black)
- Camponotus castaneus - Reddish Carpenter Ant
- Naupactus peregrinus - White-fringed Weevil (Beetle)
- Eupithecia miserulata - Common Pug (Geometrid Moth)
- Platynota flavedana - Black-shaded Platynota Moth (Variegated Leafroller)
- Macrosiagon pectinata - Wedge-shaped Beetle
- Boisea trivittata - Eastern Boxelder Bug
- Cuerna costalis - Southeastern Grass Leafhopper
- Cyclocephala lurida - Southern Masked Chafer
- Euplectrus sp. - Chalcid Wasp
- Habronattus coecatus - Pretty/Graceful Jumper
- Popillia japonica - Japanese Beetle
- Oebalus pugnax - Rice Stink Bug
- Lucanus capreolus - Reddish-brown Stag Beetle
- Hymenarcys nervosa - Stink Bug
- Ischnura hastata - Citrine Forktail Damselfly
- Draeculacephala balli - Ball's Sharpshooter
- Draeculacephala antica - Ball's Sharpshooter
- Euschistus servus servus - Brown Stink Bug
- Entylia carinata concisa - Keeled Treehopper (Smiliine)
- Pardosa sp. - Thinlegged Wolf Spider
- Zygoballus sexpunctatus - Jumping Spider (oblique jaws, white bands)
As an amateur photographer and zoologist, I'm chronicling the fauna of my backyard from a creationist perspective.
Clickable Species Guide
This list will always be tentative as I may have to correct previous IDs and will continually be adding new ones. Where possible, I've included the species of the creature, but for some of these I can narrow it down only to the genus or family. Note: There may be more than one post pertaining to each creature. I usually provide the link to the first.
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